How to get diablo 2 steam overlay
How to get diablo 2 steam overlay

how to get diablo 2 steam overlay

  • After the list has populated, check the box next to then click the button labeled ADD SELECTED PROGRAMS.
  • Click Games in the top left of the Steam client, then navigate and click Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library….
  • how to get diablo 2 steam overlay

    Step-by-Step InstructionsImportant note: To add shortcuts to run Activision/Blizzard games directly from the Battlenet Launcher, each game will need to undergo the same steps depending on which game(s) you own. Just an FYI – pressing F5 toggles between StarCraft legacy and Remastered so the shortcut does not need changing. Steam shortcut codes for Activision's non-Blizzard game titles, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, as well as all of Blizzard's Battlenet launcher games – including StarCraft Remastered, World of Warcraft Classic and Warcraft III: Reforged are listed following the Battlenet Game Shortcut Codes section.įor this guide, I will be using StarCraft to demonstrate: The Steam overlay has been tested and confirmed that ALL games tied to the Battlenet Launcher run flawlessly – even in Big Picture mode, In-Home Streaming and Steam Link hardware. Moreover, the file path will not break with updated versions of the launcher. This method does not need any scripts, installers, or attempts to bypass the Battlenet Launcher altogether. When I stumbled upon this process (which I modified from another YouTube video suggestion), I was shocked by how deceptively easy it was. I also wanted to share this with others who were also frustrated by suggested methods that were tedious, outdated or simply did not work. This guide is sort of an updated companion of my YouTube tutorial because I wanted to take screenshots from my favorite Blizzard games and play on my TV using the Steam Link.

    How to get diablo 2 steam overlay