Subdomain forwarding to filezilla login refused
Subdomain forwarding to filezilla login refused

subdomain forwarding to filezilla login refused

Finally to get my local network to resolve the site name placed an entry .XXX FTPSite domain name in the local machine host file located at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc. Added inbound firewall rules with same settings. Port range forwarding on my Linksys EA3000 router 2000-2100 TCP to local IP .XXX (which I made static) below the range of IP's assigned via DHCP by the router. I am using a free DNS product from to capture my ISP dynamic external IP and it works like a charm. It allows me to do my testing of concept locally. The local CrushFTP site is for development of a CrushFTP based site I'm setting up for a client. Thanks to Uncle Scrooge for sparking the brain cells.

Subdomain forwarding to filezilla login refused